
Confluence Conference Ticket Perks

We’ve tooted our own horn a bit about what an incredible value Confluence is for our attendees. But beyond bringing some of the leading experts in all things digital to Oklahoma City, we’ve worked hard to provide our attendees with some amazing freebies.  Don’t worry, we’re not going to give you a bag of stickers and a local coupon book and call it a day.

We’ve partnered with some of Oklahoma City’s most beloved companies (and some beloved national ones too) to make your ticket more valuable than its sticker price!

FREE with your Confluence Ticket Value in dollars
Coffee provided by Elemental Coffee Roasters, All. Day. $3.50 – One pour-over at Elemental Coffee
Your choice of lunch catered by:
Kaiteki Ramen
The Hall’s Pizza Kitchen
$9 – Bowl of ramen and a drink
$9 – two slices of wood-fired pizza and a drink
Snacks and Yogurt Parfait Bar
Provided by KIND
$5 – A yogurt parfait at one of OKC’s favorite brunch spots.
$1.99 – Suggested retail price for a KIND Bar
Woody’s Candy Company Chocolates $10 – box of four assorted chocolates
Roughtail Beer $5 – One pint of Roughtail many OKC watering holes
Confluence t-shirt from Tree & Leaf $22
Confluence Pint Glass $4
 Lyft ride sharing coupon credit $25
Total value of your ticket before you even hear one speaker: $85.49

Oh and did we mention the giveaways? How’s some handmade glassware from OKC’s own Blue Sage Studio sound? Or maybe a Kindle Fire courtesy of Social Jobworking ($139)?

We mean it when we say Confluence is lovingly curated. After all, love often means giving more than you take.

If you haven’t bought your ticket yet, there’s still time!

We can’t wait to see you all on Saturday!