
Which Plaza District Boozer Should the After Party Hit?

pie and beer at Saints Pub in the Plaza District
Pies and beer from Saints Pub

Oh, you creative types – I know you. I am you. When we’re hangry, our discontent goes beyond irritability and faintness. We tweet frantically and imagine ourselves as actual starving artists (which, can we all just agree, we were never sold on in the first place). We use hyperbole with reckless abandon! We’ll do anything for a piece of cheese!


So when we’re emerging at 5:00pm from the last round of talks at the Lyric, blinking in the sunlight and trying not to think about anything digital for a few minutes – that’s the crucial moment. That’s when we decide what’s for din.


(Wo)man cannot live on whiskey alone – and so we must find whiskey and carbohydrates. Luckily, the Plaza is full of adequately bread-y, booze-y haunts – and you can walk to any of the area bars in the time it takes to compose a decent (albeit hangry/frantic) #confluencecon tweet. But which one of these fine establishments – oh, God, which one?


We’ll need to refuel our weak noggins and then drive them to creativity. That means we’re looking for inventive flavors, stick-to-your-ribs goodness, and well-mixed (or just well-poured) drinks. 16th Street is the place for these foods. And while we’re all wining and dining, I expect that we’ll probably make a few friends, too.


Each week, I’ll profile one of the can’t-miss-it places to grub in the Plaza District. You’ll have time to mull things over – I’ll give you your space. And we’ll work together to find a venue that has both strong drink and solid food.

They’ll all be published right here:

[catlist name=after-party]

So you can have your say, I’ve created a poll.

It’s called democracy, folks.